Wednesday 20 May 2015

Peach & Apricot Overnight Oats

This recipe was a bit of an experiment, using only what I already had in the house. I thought it would be a good idea to use flavours/foods Oscar has previously had as he is being a bit fussy at the moment.  

For this I used:

1 apricot Petite Filous yogurt
1/2 Ella's Kitchen peaches purée 
2 tbsp rolled oats
1 1/2 tbsp almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
Drizzle maple syrup

Basically you just mix all of the ingredients together and leave to soak overnight in the fridge. The following morning, top with a sprinkle of chia seeds and drizzle of the remaining peaches purée.

Unfortunately, Oscar is teething quite badly at the moment and it's difficult to persuade him into eating anything (unless he knows he already likes it!) so trying something which looked new wasn't working for me today! He did manage a few mouthfuls and did enjoy it when he ate it, but that was all he was willing to eat this morning! I will try this out again when he feels a bit better!

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