Wednesday 13 May 2015

Chicken stew..?!

I made this meal with the intention of freezing in bulk. This was a bit of an experiment, I didn't really know what I was planning on cooking! But I started by using up all the fresh veg I had already in the house. This recipe is a good portion of veg and protein, so you can't really go wrong! 

For this recipe I used:
2 chicken mini fillets (diced)
1 small white onion 
Half a courgette 
1 small carrot 
1 potato
1 parsnip 
1 clove garlic
1/4 pint of low salt vegetable stock
1 tsp thyme
Sprinkle of chicken gravy granules (optional) 

First I diced all of the veg and sautéed. Then added the stock and brought to the boil, then reduced the heat and added the chicken. Then add the thyme and simmer. Leave for half an hour until chicken is fully cooked through. Check biggest piece by cutting in half and if white all through, this is cooked.

I did add a sprinkle of gravy granules to thicken, however did regret doing this as I felt the granules overpowered the fresh flavour, so would maybe leave out next time. I served this with mashed potato with fresh cut chives stirred through. 

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