Wednesday 13 May 2015

Annabel Karmel's Chicken and Apple Burgers

These are always a big hit with my boy. They are easy to make, packed full of flavour and can be stored frozen - perfect! 

I made mine slightly differently to Annabel's. I like to use normal chicken breasts instead of mince, as I can separate the tray and use for other recipes and they don't always stock chicken mince in the supermarket. Click here for the original recipe.

2x mini chicken fillets
1 apple
1 small white onion
1 garlic clove
2 tsp dried sage
20g grated Parmesan or a hard cheese or mature cheddar
Stale bread for the breadcrumbs
Hand held food processor 

Roughly dice the onion and garlic and fry on a medium heat until sautéed (for around 2 mins). Leave to one side to cool. Once cooled, put in food processor and blitz until fine. Leave to one side.

Next cut chicken into small pieces and blitz until forms an almost paste consistency. Add to the onion mix. 

Cut the apple into four pieces leaving the core. Holding the skin, grate the apple flesh into the chicken and onion mix. (This saves on peeling the apple and leaves only the skin as waste.) 

Add the sage and cheese and mix together. 

Break up bread into small pieces and put into food processor. Blitz until almost pieces are roughly small and add to the chicken mix. (You can also add ready made breadcrumbs if you like.) Mix together and either shape into patties or balls.

Add a small amount of vegetable oil to a frying pan and heat, brown the burgers for 1-2 mins on each side, turn down the heat and cook gently for another 5 mins until cooked through. 

Place onto kitchen paper to absorb excess oil and leave to cool. And you are all done! 

It went down a storm with my boy! He ended up having two burgers and left only a small amount of the veg which I couldn't believe! Especially because of his teeth at the moment!


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