Tuesday 19 May 2015

Nut free pesto

The main reason to making this recipe nut free was quite frankly because I didn't have any pine nuts in the house! There are so many opinions on whether it is safe to give babies nuts before they are two or not. I personally tried out peanut butter with my baby which he loved! And didn't have any reactions. If I were to make this recipe again I would most likely use pine nuts! 

The ingredients for this recipe are:
1 clove garlic
1 large handful fresh basil
A handful of grated Parmesan or hard cheese
1 tbsp olive oil 
Pine nuts (optional)

You will also need 1 pestle and mortar.

Remove skin from garlic and crush. Add the basil, cheese and oil and crush until fine consistency. 

It is that easy! I served mine with high protein wholewheat pasta and a few chopped cherry tomatoes. It was a big hit! This would also be nice in sandwiches or on salads. 

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