Wednesday 6 May 2015

No Flip Omelette!

have never been able to make a presentable looking omelette. That was until I learnt the one trick which does not require flipping it: finish cooking it under the grill. This will cook the top side of the omelette off and leave you with a fluffy, golden omelette.

To make this baby's omelette you will need:
1 egg
Splash of milk
Toppings of your choice (I used spinach, tomato and cheese.)

First turn on the grill to a medium heat. 

Break an egg into a bowl and stir with a splash of milk. Chop up spinach and tomato into small manageable pieces. Add half to the egg mix. 

Turn on hob to a medium heat. Spray frying pan with a little oil and add the egg mixture turning the pan to run egg to the edges. Add the rest of the spinach and tomatoes to the top. Once this is starting to look golden on the under side, move pan into grill keeping door open. Leave for a few minutes then remove and add grated cheese to the top. Then place back under grill and wait for cheese to melt. (Before removing from grill once cheese has melted, do be sure the pan handle isn't hot!)

This should easily slide off pan onto a plate. And there you go, an easy, quick omelette that even I could master! 

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