Wednesday 10 June 2015

Pear Butter

This is essentially a posh name for puréed pears! Although with more of a jam consistency. I only made enough for one piece of toast as I wasn't sure what the boy would think of it, however I wish I had made more now! 

I saw this recipe on Pinterest of course! But changed it up slightly to suit what I already had in the store cupboard. 

For this I used:
1 small pear (this was enough for one piece of toast so can be used as guide to quantity!)
Half tsp cinnamon
Half tsp ginger
Splash lemon juice
Pinch nutmeg
Pinch ground cloves
Pinch salt
1 tbsp agave nectar 

First I skinned the pear and boiled on a medium heat for 5-10 mins until the pear was really soft. 

Then drain and combine all ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. Then reduce heat and simmer until thickened. 

As I had used such a small quantity, I only left it for 20-30 mins. Be sure to check this has not stuck to the pan!

Then leave to cool and blend until smooth or until you have the consistency you prefer. I then stored this in a sterilised container. From the image below you can see that it only made a tiny amount! So let the size of the pears be your guide to the quantity you want to make! I will definitely be making this again, but will make a larger amount! I would say to store this for up to a week. I served mine on toast for breakfast with some scrambled eggs.

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