Wednesday 10 June 2015

Halloumi and Watermelon Salad

This is such a yummy salad! To begin with I thought the flavour combination was a bit weird, but they work so well together! This is a great summer salad especially as watermelons are in season.

For this I used:
Halloumi (two slices)
Giant couscous 
Watermelon (1 fan piece)
Fresh basil 
Balsamic glaze (pre made)
Olive oil

As I was only making for one, the quantity used was small, so just increase due to the amount of mouths being fed!

First cook your couscous as per the packet instructions. Mine took 6-10 mins.  Whilst that is cooking, cut the halloumi into slices and cut the watermelon into manageable pieces. Then once couscous is cooked, drain and leave to cool. Griddle the halloumi in a pan with a little oil, until golden brown lines are on each side (2-3 mins). Then add to a bowl with remaining ingredients. Drizzle with a little olive oil and top with a drizzle of balsamic glaze. I then added a sprinkle of chia seeds and mixed seeds! 

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