Friday 5 June 2015

German Pancakes/Pancake Muffins

found this recipe again on good old Pinterest, but changed it up slightly again to suit me.

You will need:
50g flour
50ml milk
1 egg 
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
15g butter melted 

Mix all ingredients together to create batter. Grease a muffin tray and pour batter into each tin about half way up.  Bake for 15 mins until golden. This made 10 pancakes. What I did find was you will need to try and remove them out of the tin when they are still warm, unless it was just my muffin tray... I did find with the ones I left to cool got stuck!!

then filled mine with a raspberry chia jam and blueberries - yum!! They were very tasty but because of the butter they were a little bit greasy/indulgent so they're not suitable for everyday breakfast! They're quite similar to Yorkshire puddings - they had risen up loads in the oven but deflated once they were taken out. But anyway, they were pretty tasty!

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