Thursday 18 June 2015

Nice Cream

This is a great way to get your child to eat loads of fruit without realising! My boy seems to turn his nose up at bananas (seriously must be the only baby!) and this is mainly banana based and he still enjoyed it!

For this you will need

1 banana (frozen)
Any other fruit of your choice

Banana Nice Cream

Cut up banana into pieces and freeze. Once banana is frozen put into a food processor/blender and blend until a creamy consistency... And it's as easy as that!

Mixed Berry Nice Cream
I added a mix of raspberries, blueberries and cherries to the already creamy banana nice cream and blended together. Then I placed this into a freezable container and left until frozen.

Then using a spoon I was able to scoop out the nice cream quite easily and served this as a breakfast! This is so easy and yummy and can be made with any smoothie recipe!

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