Monday 15 June 2015

French Toast Roll Ups

These are a cool twist on French toast and quick to make which I was surprised by!

For this I used:
2 pieces bread (with crusts removed)
1 egg beaten
Cinnamon (optional)

For fillings:
I used cream cheese and raspberries, but you could use anything, from peanut butter and banana, Nutella and strawberries, plain berries, jam etc

First you will need to remove crusts from bread and roll flat with rolling pin.

Then add your filling along the edge of one sides of the bread as shown below:

Then using the side with the filling first, roll up tightly. Then cover with the beaten egg and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Then fry in a pan on a medium heat until golden all over.

And there we go!

You could either serve up as they are or cut into smaller pieces. 

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