Friday 12 June 2015

A Made Up Moussaka

With the leftover aubergine from the pizzas, I had it in my head I would make a moussaka, not that I had a clue how to make it! I read a couple of recipes online but they were all really time consuming and would haven't taken over an hour to cook - my cook time is done during Oscar's nap time, so it needs to be quick!

So I basically took the ingredients from a few recipes and made it up!

For this I used:
3/4 of an aubergine (would've been better with a whole 1!)
2 spring onions diced
3 mushrooms diced
1 clove garlic
Olive oil
Dried rosemary
Dried sage
1 cup dried lentils
1 bay leaf
Tin plum tomatoes
1tbsp tomato purée 
1-2 Mozzarellas
1 sweet potato peeled and cut into disks

Preheat the oven to 200C.

Add the onion, garlic and mushrooms to a pan and drizzle with olive oil. Fry for a few minutes. 

Then add the tinned tomatoes, paste and herbs and bay leaf and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and add the lentils. Then boil these for 20 minutes until cooked through. 

Meanwhile peel the aubergine and cut into 1cm disks. Do the same with the sweet potato . Put potato into a pan of water and parboil. 

In an oven dish layer some of the aubergine disks in the bottom.

Then add a layer of the tomato sauce and tear up mozzarella over the top. 

Then repeat with the aubergine, tomato and mozzarella and then add your potato disks to the top. 

Then finish with some breadcrumbs and roast in the oven for 30 mins.

I then portioned one bowl up for dinner and froze the rest. This will obviously need to be chopped up before serving as the aubergine can be quite difficult to chew without teeth! 

And voila!

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