Thursday 18 June 2015

Home made bread

had bought a bread tin and flour a little while ago but just haven't had the chance to try out some bread recipes... Until now! This made a small loaf which was the perfect size for toddlers! 

I used a Paul Hollywood recipe but changed it up as usual by halving the ingredients as the tin I was using was quite small.

For this you will need:

200g stone-ground strong wholemeal bread flour, plus extra for dusting 
50g strong white bread flour
5g salt
5g instant yeast
20g unsalted butter (softened)
160ml tepid water 
Olive oil for kneading
Seeds for topping (optional)

Tip the flours into a large mixing bowl and add the salt to one side of the bowl and the yeast to the other. Add the butter and three quarters of the water, and turn the mixture around with your fingers. Add water a little at a time until you’ve picked up all the flour from the sides of the bowl. You may not need to add all the water, or you may need to add more — you want dough that is soft, but not soggy. Use the mixture to clean the inside of the bowl, folding the edges into the middle. Keep going until the mixture forms a rough dough.

Coat the work surface with a little olive oil, then tip the dough onto it and begin to knead. Keep kneading for 5–10 minutes until the dough starts to form a soft, smooth skin. 

When your dough feels smooth and silky, put it into a lightly oiled large bowl. Cover with a tea towel and leave to rise until at least doubled in size — at least 1 hour, but it’s fine to leave it for 2 or even 3 hours. 

Dust your work surface lightly with flour and tip your dough onto it. Knock the air out of the dough by folding it inwards repeatedly until the dough is smooth. Line the baking tin with baking paper and put the dough in. If using seeds place onto top of dough and lightly press in.

Put the tray into a clean plastic bag. Leave to prove for about an hour, until the dough is at least doubled in size and springs back quickly if you prod it lightly with your finger. 

Heat your oven to 200C. Put the loaf into the oven and fill a roasting tray or oven proof dish with hot water. This will create steam in the oven, which helps give the bread a lighter crust. 

Bake the loaf for 30 minutes, then check it is cooked by tapping the base — it should sound hollow. Cool on a wire rack.

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