Wednesday 3 June 2015

Coconut Chicken with Sweet Potato Fries

This recipe is a great one to make as both elements to the meal take the same amount of time to cook. To save on the washing up, you can cook these in the same dish! I came across this recipe on Pinterest of course but changed it to suit me and my store cupboard! (Original recipe can be found here.)

I planned on making only one small portion of this meal as I had already saved two mini chicken fillets in the fridge from being frozen. So to make a bigger batch, just judge the other ingredients on the amount of chicken being used.

For this I used:
For chicken:
2 chicken mini fillets
Coconut milk (enough to cover the chicken in a small bowl)
1 tsp ground ginger
1 garlic clove crushed
A few basil leaves
A glug of lemon juice (lime would work as well, if not better!)
Pinch brown sugar
A pinch of salt and pepper 

For fries:
1 small sweet potato
Mixed herbs
Vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 200C

Basically combine all ingredients together in a bowl and leave to sit together for around half an hour. Whilst you are waiting, time to prepare the fries. Take one small sweet potato and scrub skin with water. Then cut into manageable pieces and put into a roasting tray. I would usually leave the skins on as they have the most nutritional, however I did find these were difficult for the boy to chew so I ended up peeling them off after they were cooked! Cover with a little vegetable oil and mixed herbs. By this point the chicken should have marinated for a long enough time. Transfer into a oven proof dish (with a little of the milk mixture covering the chicken).

Place both the chicken and sweet potatoes into the oven and leave to cook for 25-30 mins until chicken is white right through and potatoes are easy to cut through. 

With the fries, I transfer these onto a plate with kitchen roll on to absorb any additional oil. 

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