Friday 5 June 2015

Annabel Karmel's Asian Chicken Balls

I saw this recipe on Annabel's Instagram, but changed it slightly... I wasn't sure on whether to add chilli or not and when I deseeded a small amount and tried it myself my face was on fire for a good 15 mins! And I can handle spicy food! So I chose not to include!

For this you will need

1 red chilli deseeded and diced (if you want to risk it!)
1 1/2 tsp ginger grated
1 onion finely chopped 
4 spring onions finely chopped
Zest of half a lime 
4oz breadcrumbs
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 tap Chinese five spice
A little plain flour
3 tbsp sunflower oil (I used coconut)
16oz Chicken

Measure the onion, spring onion, ginger, chilli (if using) and lime zest into a food processor. Blitz until finely chopped. Add the chicken, breadcrumbs, sweet chilli sauce, Chinese five spice and egg yolk, season and blitz until combined. 

Roll into small balls. Coat in the flour . Heat up the oil in a frying pan and fry the balls until golden and cooked through. 

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