Wednesday 1 July 2015

Pea, Ricotta and Mint Quesadilla

This is my favourite flavour combination at the moment - perfect for summer! This is a Jamie Oliver recipe which I watched on his Food Tube channel. We ended up cooking two of the four meals for tea last night they were so good! 

This dish is perfect to top toast, as a sandwich filler, on pizza, as a pasta sauce... You name it! And it's really easy to make.

For this you will need 
Fresh mint leaves
Lemon juice
Pinch of salt and pepper (optional)

As I used garden peas in a pod, first take peas out of pods and leave to one side. I used about a handful of peas in total.  Pick leaves off mint (again about a handful) and put into pestle and mortar with rock salt. 

Then bash up into a paste. Then add the peas and bash until it forms a paste. Add a squeeze of lemon and half a tub of ricotta. 

Then spread over your tortilla and place a second tortilla on top. 

I then placed this into a warm griddle pan  to seal together (although this doesn't need to be cooked). And to be fair, just makes it look a bit more snazzy! 

And that's it!! It's so so good, I urge you to try it!

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