Tuesday 28 July 2015

Quinoa Fish Fingers!

I made this recipe using leftover mix from the quinoa burger recipe. However added a few extra ingredients.

For this you will need:
1 cup quinoa, cooked in veg or chicken stock
1 cup broccoli boiled or steamed 
1 small sweet potato boiled or steamed
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 small portion of fresh salmon (I used salmon side)
1/2 small tin of mixed beans drained and washed
Breadcrumbs to coat
1 egg whisked

Mash the broccoli, sweet potato, beans, and cheese together. Mix into the quinoa. Then either finely dice or blend the salmon so its almost a paste and add to mix. Shape into patties or finger shapes.

Then dip the fish fingers/patties into the egg mixture and then coat in the breadcrumbs so it's evenly coated.

Transfer into a lined baking tray and cook at 180C until golden and fish is cooked through.

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