Thursday 23 July 2015

Sardine and Tomato Pasta

I'm not doing too well with these blog posts at the moment am I?! I will try to be a bit more efficient from now on! 

Anyway, this recipe was mainly inspired by a book we recently bought - Bart Van Olphen's 'Cooking With Tinned Fish'. It's a really great book with so many great ideas. 

Tinned fish is a great item for the store cupboard and can be used in so many ways. We usually keep tins of sardines or mackerel in the cupboard, however these days they come in a whole range of sauces, from tomato to curry! I find the plain flavoured ones and the tomato sauce ones are most used in our house!

For this recipe I used:
1/2 small onion
1 small carrot
1/5 of a butternut squash
1 tsp garlic paste
2 tbsp tomato purée
1 portion of wholewheat pasta
1 tin of sardines in tomato sauce
30ml vegetable stock
Olive oil

Dice all of the veg into small pieces do they will cook together quickly. 

Open the tinned fish and remove any bones. The bones are soft and are edible, so you can leave them in but I preferred to remove them just in case! 

Cook your pasta as per the packet instructions. Meanwhile heat a little oil in a pan and add the veg and garlic paste. Fry lightly until they start to brown. Then add the stock and reduce to a simmer. Once the veg has started to become soft, add the tinned fish and tomato paste. Cook together until all veg is cooked through. Then add to the pasta and stir together... And that's it! This is a very adaptable recipe, next time I think I will add more veg and possibly bake it in the oven to crisp it up a bit like a pasta bake!

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