Tuesday 14 July 2015

Apple and Pear Butter (Improved!)

feel that the original pear butter recipe I posted isn't really very good as it was the first time I made it, and I have since tweeked and made it easier and better to make. So here is an updated version! 

This recipe is enough to make half a small jar of butter.

For this I used:
1 apple
1 pear
1 tbsp maple syrup (or agave nectar)
Half tsp cinnamon
Half tsp ginger
Splash lemon juice
Pinch nutmeg
Pinch ground cloves
Pinch salt
1 sterilised container to store it in

Peel and cut your fruit into small pieces and place into a sauce pan. Add all the other ingredients and bring to the boil. Then reduce heat and simmer. Continue to stir and monitor the progress of the fruit cooking. The smaller the pieces have been cut, the quicker they will cook! Depending on this, this could take around 30 mins. Once fruit is cooked through, take off heat and leave to cool. Once cooled, blend up to the consistency of your choice. I like mine to still have a few lumps in! 

Then transfer into a sterilised container and keep for up to 3-5 days. This is such a great accompaniment to yogurt, toast, smoothie bowls, muffins etc. and is a great way to get your little one to eat fruit if they are fussy!   

(I like to keep my old almond/ peanut butter jars for these kinds of occasions!)

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