Tuesday 28 July 2015

Easy Overnight Oats

This is a great breakfast meal as it can be prepared the night before, making breakfast time that little bit easier!

For this you will need:
Oats. I use plain rolled porridge oats. I usually but the supermarket's value version as not only are they cheaper, but contain no chemicals or other hidden extras! 
Fruit of your choice
Milk/yogurt/water etc

First fill your serving container with the amount of oats you want to use.

Then top with the yogurt/milk so it's covering the oats. 

I used Alpro Soya Almond Coconut Milk.

Then add your fruit and any other extras you want to soak with the oats. I used a couple of raspberries, some chia seeds (which expand in liquid anyway) and a squirt of maple syrup.

Then mix together, cover with cling film and pop in the fridge overnight. 

The following morning as you can see, the mixture is nice and thick (just how we like it!)

I then topped this with more raspberries, a few blueberries, more chia seeds and a sprinkle of mixed seeds. 

The flavour combination for this recipe is endless and it's a great meal to try out self feeding with a spoon! Hope you enjoy!

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