Tuesday 14 July 2015

Chicken and Apricot Curry (with loads of veggies!)

This was another one of my experiments, and I'm pleased that it worked out well!

For this you will need:
1 small white onion
1 clove garlic
1 tsp cumin
4 cardamom pods crushed
1 tsp ground coriander 
1/2 tsp fenugreek 
1 tsp mustard seeds crushed
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp crushed chilli flakes
1 tsp turmeric
Handful green lentils
2 apricots skinned and chopped
Handful spinach
Half pint reduced salt vegetable stock
Splash of lemon juice
1 small carrot
1 small potato
1 small disk of butternut squash 
2 tbsp tomato purée
1 tsp mango chutney
3 mini chicken fillets
Coconut oil

Peel and dice potatoes, carrot, butternut squash and apricots. Dice into small pieces to allow them to cook quickly. Place to one side.

Cook lentils to packet instructions until they have half cooked. Meanwhile, dice onion and garlic clove and add to a pan with coconut oil and all spices. Fry on a medium heat for around 3-5 mins and add half of the stock. Then add the potatoes, carrot and squash and add more stock. Bring to the boil. Then add lentils, chicken, tomato purée, lemon juice and mango chutney. Reduce heat, add the spinach and leave until sauce has thickened and chicken and veg are cooked through. If sauce gets too thick, add more water rather than stock. This can be served with rice, naan breads, jacket potato... The choice is yours! This is definitely a meal for the whole family! 

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