I followed a BBC Goodfood recipe, however half way getting through the recipe and feeling as though I had made a mistake as it was resembling breadcrumbs, I realised that a lot of the reviews of the recipe were the same - not good! However I managed to save it by adding a bit more golden syrup and a splash of milk.. Here is what I did:
- Pre-heat oven to 160C and 2 baking trays with baking paper.
- Sift together all of the dry ingredients (excluding sugar). Heat butter, sugar and syrup on a low heat until dissovled then leaver to cool. Then mix into dry ingredients when cooled to make a dough. ** At this point is where it started to resemble breadcrumbs for me, if that does occur I added a splash of milk and the additional tbsp of golden syrup. (some people suggested adding another 50g of melted butter instead.)
- Wrap the dough in cling film and chill at room temperature for around 30 minutes.
- Cover a surface with flour and be sure to cover rolling pin as well and roll out dough to about 1/4 inch thick and cut into gingernread men. Place on trays allowing space to spread.
- Cook for 7-10 minutes until your desired bake. I waited until around 7 so they were just golden and still chewy! I was really pleased with these and they taste so good too!
I then decorated with icing! 👍🏻
Original recipe here