Wednesday 12 August 2015

Roasted Vegetable Pasta Sauce

This is a great way to cram loads of veggies into a meal which is especially helpful if you have a fussy eater! It helps that it's really tasty too! 

For this I used:
A handful of cherry tomatoes
1 small red onion
2 cloves garlic
1/3 of an aubergine
1/2 red bell pepper
Olive oil

Peel and dice all veg into roughly sized pieces. (You can leave the tomatoes whole!) Drizzle with olive oil and put into the oven for 20-30 mins until veg is soft. Remove from oven and leave to cool. Next cook pasta as per packet instructions. 

Once veg has cooled, put into blender or put into a bowl and use a hand blender until the veg has become a paste consistency. Stir sauce into pasta... And there you have it! Easy peasey!

I then attempted to be creative and tried to make a lion face! But you don't have to do this part! (Definitely a Pinterest gone wrong!!)

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