Thursday 20 August 2015

Aubergine Meatless Balls!

can't believe I never thought to replace meat mince with aubergines! The texture is so similar and they mould into balls really well. I can feel an aubergine burger recipe coming soon! I found a recipe for this on Pinterest, however changed up the quantities/ingredients a bit to match what I already had.

For this I used:
3 small aubergines (one large one would probably be enough)
2 cloves garlic diced
1/2 tbsp Olive oil
Fresh basil chopped
Dried Italian seasoning 
40g Mature cheddar cheese (Parmesan or similar would also work well)
1 egg for binding (optional)

Dice the aubergine into pieces and drizzle with olive oil a little salt and pepper. Heat a griddle pan on a medium heat, then cook the aubergine until charred marks appear on both sides. Then leave to one side to cool.

Once cool place into a food processor and pulse into a paste. When you have an almost smooth consistency, place mixture into a bowl and add breadcrumbs, cheese, garlic and herbs and mix together. The recipe I followed used an egg to bind, however I found this mixture to be wet enough so did not add one. 

Form mixture into ball shapes and place onto baking paper lined tray. Bake until browned - approximately 20-25 mins. 

Then make a simple tomato sauce with pasta to go with it and you have yourself a meal! Sorry I didn't take many photos, I completely forgot! Hope you enjoy!

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