Monday 24 August 2015

Quick Pasta Sauce!

These days I find myself with less time to cook as this boy is so active and doesn't have the patience to wait around for me! Today's lunch was a rushed one, and I made this recipe up on the spot. Luckily it tasted quite nice!

For this I used:
Olive oil
1 clove garlic diced
1 spring onion diced
3 tbsp tomato purée paste
50ml water
A sprinkle mixed herbs

First I got my pasta on to cook by following the packet instructions. Whilst that was on I heated up a little oil in a pan and added the onion to soften. Then I added the garlic and cooked for one minute. Then I added the tomato purée and water a mixed together. Then added the herbs and cooked on a low heat until the pasta was fully cooked through. This recipe definitely worked well for the lack of time I had to prepare! And the boy enjoyed! 

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