Tuesday 23 February 2016

Chocolate and Banana Overnight Oats

This is an incredibly indulgent breakfast! But apparently it is healthy?! So it's all good! I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, but since Christmas and the overwhelming stash of chocolate coins, this boy has quite the taste for it! Since he has not been too well the last week and not eating much lately, I thought I would give him a bit of chocolatey treat to try and entice him to eat! This is super easy to make and really tasty! 

For this you will need: 
100g oats
70g milk
1 banana mashed
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 tbsp of honey/maple syrup/agave nectar 

Mix all of the ingredients together and place in the fridge overnight (or 1 hour at a minimum) 

The oats and chia seeds will soak up the moisture and will become a nice, thick consistency. 

The jar I used had enough for a 2-3 portions. However I did end up having a portion myself! Enjoy!

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