Friday 24 April 2015

Chicken Noodle Soup

Whenever I start to see symptoms of a cold, this is my go to recipe! It's a great meal to make in bulk and freeze. 

For this recipe I used:

2 mini chicken fillets diced
1 small white onion
1 garlic clove crushed
1 tbsp dried thyme
1 tbsp dried parsley 
1 bay leaf
3 baby corn diced
Handful of spinach
1 small carrot diced
1/2 pint reduced salt chicken stock 
Pasta/noodles (I used spaghetti broken into small pieces)

If I make this again, I will add some more vegetables, when I made this I was using up what I had in the house at the time! 

Heat a little oil in a pan and sautée the onions, corn and carrot. Then add the garlic and cook for one minute. Add the chicken stock and bring to the boil. Then add the diced chicken. Reduce heat and simmer. Add the herbs and spinach and leave to simmer for half an hour to fourty minutes or until chicken has cooked. The chicken should fall apart/be easy to cut and white all through when cooked. Remove bay leaf before serving. 

This is a great meal to have stored in the freezer ready for a rainy day or when the little one isn't feeling their best.

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