Thursday 30 April 2015

The Four P's

As mentioned previously Oscar quite frequently suffers from constipation and wind problems which tends to keep him up at night. The only advice I have been given me is to continue feeding him water throughout the day as well as types of foods which are natural constipation remedies which coincidentally all begin with the letter P: peaches, pears, plums and prunes. 

I'm not too great at stewing and puréeing my own fruit (I just can't get a smooth enough consistency!) but there are many baby food brands that sell these already puréed. I like to use Ella's Kitchen as it's organic and tastes and smells nicer in my opinion! 

Today for Oscar's breakfast I gave him half a pouch of Ella's Kitchen - Peaches, Pears and Baby Rice mixed with some cooked rolled oats (a bit of extra fibre!) with a side of buttered seedy toast which he seemed to enjoy! 

Does anyone have any other recommendations?

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