Friday 8 January 2016

Smoothie pancakes

I saw this recipe in Jamie Olicer's Everyday Superfood book but didn't have the guts to try and make them as my last few pancake attempts have been a disaster and ended up straight in the bin! However I was pleasantly surprised with how these turned out - it was so easy! If I can make them anyone can!

1½ cups blueberries
1 large, ripe banana
¾ cup milk
1 large egg
1¾ cup whole-wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
Extra-virgin olive oil, to coat the pan

Blitz half the blueberries, peeled banana, milk, egg, and flour in a blender to make a smoothie pancake batter.

Tip into a bowl and fold in the remaining berries. Place a large nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour in a little bit of olive oil, then use a paper towel to wipe it around the pan and absorb the excess. Once hot, put your batter into the pan to make large pancakes or little ones, whichever you fancy. 

Cook for a couple of minutes on each side, or until crisp and golden. 

Serve as and when they're ready, while you get on with more.

I found wiping the pan with oil to coat really helped as whenever I attempted before even in a non stick pan my pancakes kept sticking and breaking up. 

It was recommended to serve with natural yogurt, honey, cinnamon and crushed nuts, however I did not have these to hand so served with a drizzle of honey, mixed seeds, chia seeds and linseeds. They were so delish and easy I will definitely make again. It's also a good way to sneak lots of fruit or veg into your babies food if they are fussy, like mine! 

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